Vatican City
Isle of Manto
Isle of ManVatican City is a city-state within Italy and the seat of Roman Catholicism
There's really just not enough data on Vatican City to relate it to other countries, so we're just having some fun here.
With its 86,866 people, Isle of Man is the 197th largest country in the world by population. It is the 189th largest country in the world by area with 572 square kilometers.
Part of the Norwegian Kingdom of the Hebrides until the 13th century when it was ceded to Scotland, the isle came under the British crown in 1765. Current concerns include reviving the almost extinct Manx Gaelic language. Isle of Man is a British crown dependency but is not part of the UK or of the European Union. However, the UK Government remains constitutionally responsible for its defense and international representation.
Check out the recommended reading list below for great sources of information on Isle of Man